Java volatile 汇编代码研究
package edu.hushi.jvm;
* @author -10
public class VisibilityTest extends Thread {
private boolean stop;
public void run() {
int i = 0;
while(!stop) {
System.out.println("finish loop,i=" + i);
public void stopIt() {
stop = true;
public boolean getStop(){
return stop;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
VisibilityTest v = new VisibilityTest();
System.out.println("finish main");
程序比较简单,在主线程中启动一个线程,这个线程不停的对局部变量做自增操作,主线程休眠 1 秒中后改变启动线程的循环控制变量,想让它停止循环。这个程序在 client 模式下是能停止线程做自增操作的,但是在 server 模式先将是无限循环。若是改成
private volatile boolean stop;
用 volatile 修饰 stop 变量,将不会出现死循环。我们知道 volatile 在 JVM 内存模型中是保证修饰变量的可见性,这个不是我们今天讨论的重点,我们今天想看看在 volatile 修饰下和不修饰代码编译成的汇编代码的区别,以便我们学习 JVM 的内存模型。
首先我们介绍一个工具,HSDIS是由Project Kenai提供并得到Sun官方推荐的HotSpot VM JIT编译代码的反汇编插件,作用是让HotSpot的-XX:+PrintAssembly指令调用它来把动态生成的本地代码还原为汇编代码输出,同时还生成了大量非常有价值的注释,这样我们就可以通过输出的代码来分析问题。读者可以根据自己的操作系统和CPU类型从Kenai的网站上下载编译好的插件,直接放到JDK_HOME/jre/bin/client和JDK_HOME/jre/bin/server目录中即可。如果没有找到所需操作系统(譬如Windows的就没有)的成品,那就得自己拿源码编译一下,或者去HLLVM圈子中下载也可以,这里也有 win32 和 win64 编译好的。
- -Xcomp 参数-Xcomp是让虚拟机以编译模式执行代码,这样代码可以偷懒,不需要执行足够次数来预热都能触发JIT编译。
- -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,* 这个表示不要把 run 方法给内联了,这是解决内联问题。
- -XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,* 这个表示只编译 run 方法,这样的话只会输出sum方法的ASM码。
- -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions 这个参数是和 -XX:+PrintAssembly 一起才能生效答应汇编代码
若果一切顺利将可以输出 assembly 代码,但是我研究了一段时间,还是没有能够看懂这些代码,如果有网友能够解释得通上面说的两种现象,可以告诉我。
以下是 没有 volatile 修饰的 assembly 代码
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: PrintAssembly is enabled; turning on DebugNonSafepoints to gain additional output
CompilerOracle: dontinline *
CompilerOracle: compileonly *
Loaded disassembler from D:\Dev\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\bin\server\hsdis-i386.dll
Decoding compiled method 0x0193be88:
Argument 0 is unknown.RIP: 0x193bf80 Code size: 0x00000050
[Disassembling for mach='i386']
[Entry Point]
# {method} 'run' '()V' in 'edu/hushi/jvm/VisibilityTest'
# [sp+0x10] (sp of caller)
0x0193bf80: cmp eax,dword ptr [ecx+4h]
0x0193bf83: jne 191d100h ; {runtime_call}
0x0193bf89: nop
[Verified Entry Point]
0x0193bf8c: mov dword ptr [esp+0ffffc000h],eax
0x0193bf93: push ebp
0x0193bf94: sub esp,8h ;*synchronization entry
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@-1 (line 13)
0x0193bf97: mov ebp,ecx
0x0193bf99: movzx eax,byte ptr [ecx+64h] ;*getfield stop
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@9 (line 14)
0x0193bf9d: test eax,eax
0x0193bf9f: jne 193bfafh ;*ifeq
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@12 (line 14)
0x0193bfa1: mov ebx,1h ; OopMap{ebp=Oop off=38}
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@12 (line 14)
0x0193bfa6: test dword ptr [0a0000h],edi ;*ifeq
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@12 (line 14)
; {poll}
0x0193bfac: inc ebx ;*iinc
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@5 (line 15)
0x0193bfad: jmp 193bfa6h
0x0193bfaf: mov ecx,14h
0x0193bfb4: nop
0x0193bfb7: call 191dd00h ; OopMap{ebp=Oop off=60}
;*getstatic out
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@15 (line 17)
; {runtime_call}
0x0193bfbc: int3 ;*iinc
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@5 (line 15)
0x0193bfbd: int3
0x0193bfbe: hlt
0x0193bfbf: hlt
[Exception Handler]
[Stub Code]
0x0193bfc0: jmp 1938780h ; {no_reloc}
[Deopt Handler Code]
0x0193bfc5: push 193bfc5h ; {section_word}
0x0193bfca: jmp 191e280h ; {runtime_call}
0x0193bfcf: hlt
finish main
以下是 有 volatile 修饰的 assembly 代码
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: PrintAssembly is enabled; turning on DebugNonSafepoints to gain additional output
CompilerOracle: dontinline *
CompilerOracle: compileonly *
Loaded disassembler from D:\Dev\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\bin\server\hsdis-i386.dll
Decoding compiled method 0x01c7c688:
Argument 0 is unknown.RIP: 0x1c7c780 Code size: 0x00000050
[Disassembling for mach='i386']
[Entry Point]
# {method} 'run' '()V' in 'edu/hushi/jvm/VisibilityTest'
# [sp+0x10] (sp of caller)
0x01c7c780: cmp eax,dword ptr [ecx+4h]
0x01c7c783: jne 1c5d100h ; {runtime_call}
0x01c7c789: nop
[Verified Entry Point]
0x01c7c78c: mov dword ptr [esp+0ffffc000h],eax
0x01c7c793: push ebp
0x01c7c794: sub esp,8h ;*synchronization entry
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@-1 (line 13)
0x01c7c797: movzx eax,byte ptr [ecx+64h] ;*getfield stop
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@9 (line 14)
0x01c7c79b: xor ebp,ebp
0x01c7c79d: test eax,eax
0x01c7c79f: jne 1c7c7b0h ;*iinc
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@5 (line 15)
0x01c7c7a1: movzx ebx,byte ptr [ecx+64h] ;*getfield stop
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@9 (line 14)
0x01c7c7a5: inc ebp ; OopMap{ecx=Oop off=38}
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@12 (line 14)
0x01c7c7a6: test dword ptr [350000h],edi ; {poll}
0x01c7c7ac: test ebx,ebx
0x01c7c7ae: je 1c7c7a1h ;*getstatic out
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@15 (line 17)
0x01c7c7b0: mov ecx,14h
0x01c7c7b5: nop
0x01c7c7b7: call 1c5dd00h ; OopMap{off=60}
;*getstatic out
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@15 (line 17)
; {runtime_call}
0x01c7c7bc: int3 ;*getstatic out
; - edu.hushi.jvm.VisibilityTest::run@15 (line 17)
0x01c7c7bd: hlt
0x01c7c7be: hlt
0x01c7c7bf: hlt
[Exception Handler]
[Stub Code]
0x01c7c7c0: jmp 1c78f80h ; {no_reloc}
[Deopt Handler Code]
0x01c7c7c5: push 1c7c7c5h ; {section_word}
0x01c7c7ca: jmp 1c5e280h ; {runtime_call}
0x01c7c7cf: hlt
finish loop,i=1109307815
finish main
- win7 32
- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_25-b17)
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz