go calling convention
这篇文章翻译自 dr knz @ work
go 调用规约,原文出处在文章末尾,作者有两篇文章。
由于最近需要对各种语言对内存布局感兴趣,所以打算先研究 go 语言的调用规约,翻译可能存在错误,欢迎斧正。
Calling convention
Arguments and return value
Call sequence: how a function gets called
在 go 1.10 和 1.15 版本中, 一个函数为被调用函数设置好参数,并且在栈上预留出返回值的空间,被调用函数在返回值写入预留的空间中。
As before, a side effect of this design is that when a function returns the same value as one of its callees, it needs to read the return value from the callee from its own activation record, then place it back onto the stack at a return value in its caller’s activation record. Tail call optimizations (TCO) thus remain impossible.
Additionally, function prologues remain largely unchanged:
- 一个函数使用本地变量,需要通过 SP 寄存器相对位置来获取,这个总是出现在前置序言中。
- 和以前一样,每一个函数会设置一个帧指针 BP 寄存器,来方便异常释放。
- 和以前一样,一个函数需要使用更多的栈空间时,这样的情况下需要检查当前栈上的剩余空间,如果不足就需要分配更多的空间。 这是因为 go 默认为 goroutines 分配很小的栈空间。
这里又一个例子来自 go 运行时的内部函数,来演示函数序言和结束:
; Check remaining stack size:
MOVQ FS:0xfffffff8, CX
CMPQ 0x10(CX), SP ; at least 24 bytes on the stack?
JBE 0x401047 ; no: go to block at end of function below
; Allocate activation record:
SUBQ $0x18, SP ; 24 bytes in activation record
; Set up the frame pointer
MOVQ BP, 0x10(SP) ; BP is callee-save: store it
LEAQ 0x10(SP), BP ; set up new frame pointer
MOVQ 0x10(SP), BP ; restore the caller's frame pointer
ADDQ $0x18, SP ; deallocate the activation record
RET ; return
CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB) ; alloc more stack
JMP internal/cpu.Initialize(SB) ; restart
Callee-save registers—or not
The cost of pointers and interfaces
// Define a struct type implementing the interface by value.
type bar struct{ x int }
func (bar) foo() {}
// Define a global variable so we don't use the heap allocator.
var y bar
// Make an interface value.
func MakeInterface2() Foo { return y }
; <function prologue>
; write y to 0(SP), as an argument to runtime.convT64
0x45c55d 488b057cc70900 MOVQ main.y(SB), AX
0x45c564 48890424 MOVQ AX, 0(SP)
; call runtime.convT64, this converts the object to a heap reference
0x45c568 e833c5faff CALL runtime.convT64(SB)
; extract the return value
0x45c56d 488b442408 MOVQ 0x8(SP), AX
; take the vtable pointer
0x45c572 488d0d07c00200 LEAQ go.itab.main.bar,main.Foo(SB), CX
; write both to the return value slot for MakeInterface2
0x45c579 48894c2420 MOVQ CX, 0x20(SP)
0x45c57e 4889442428 MOVQ AX, 0x28(SP)
; <function epilogue>
0x45c58c c3 RET
; <function prologue>
; take the vtable pointer
0x4805dd 488d053c020400 LEAQ go.itab.src.bar,src.Foo(SB), AX
; pass it as argument to convT2I64
0x4805e4 48890424 MOVQ AX, 0(SP)
; take the address of y
0x4805e8 488d05e9f10b00 LEAQ main.y(SB), AX
; pass it as argument to convT2I64
0x4805ef 4889442408 MOVQ AX, 0x8(SP)
; convert to interface reference
0x4805f4 e8e7b2f8ff CALL runtime.convT2I64(SB)
; copy the return value from runtime.convT2I64 to the return slot of MakeInterface2
0x4805f9 488b442410 MOVQ 0x10(SP), AX
0x4805fe 488b4c2418 MOVQ 0x18(SP), CX
0x480603 4889442430 MOVQ AX, 0x30(SP)
0x480608 48894c2438 MOVQ CX, 0x38(SP)
; <function epilogue>
0x480616 c3 RET
Vararg calls
func f(...int) {}
var x,y,z,w int
func caller() {
; <function prologue>
; fill the slice:
XORPS X0, X0 ; set 2 words (128 bit) to zero in X0
MOVUPS X0, 0x18(SP) ; initialize the 4-element slice to zero
MOVUPS X0, 0x28(SP) ; initialize the 4-element slice to zero
MOVQ main.x(SB), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x18(SP) ; store x into 1st position
MOVQ main.y(SB), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x20(SP) ; store y into 2nd position
MOVQ main.z(SB), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x28(SP) ; store z into 3rd position
MOVQ main.w(SB), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x30(SP) ; store w into 4th position
; prepare the slice as outgoing argument:
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX ; store the base address
MOVQ $0x4, 0x8(SP) ; store the length
MOVQ $0x4, 0x10(SP) ; store the capacity
CALL main.g(SB) ; call the function
; <function epilogue>
// note: now we have an interface type.
func f(...interface{}) {}
var x,y,z,w int
func caller() {
; <function prologue>
; fill the slice:
XORPS X0, X0 ; zero out the slice
MOVUPS X0, 0x38(SP)
MOVUPS X0, 0x48(SP)
MOVUPS X0, 0x58(SP)
MOVUPS X0, 0x68(SP)
MOVQ main.x(SB), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x30(SP) ; copy x on the stack, out of the slice
LEAQ 0x7995(IP), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x38(SP) ; place x's interface{} vtable ptr in the slice
LEAQ 0x30(SP), CX
MOVQ CX, 0x40(SP) ; place the address of x's copy in the slice
MOVQ main.y(SB), CX
MOVQ CX, 0x28(SP) ; copy y on the stack, out of the slice
MOVQ AX, 0x48(SP) ; place the same vtable ptr as x in the slice
LEAQ 0x28(SP), CX
MOVQ CX, 0x50(SP) ; place the address of y's copy in the slice
MOVQ main.z(SB), CX
MOVQ CX, 0x20(SP) ; copy z on the stack, out of the slice
MOVQ AX, 0x58(SP) ; place the same vtable ptr as x in the slice
LEAQ 0x20(SP), CX
MOVQ CX, 0x60(SP) ; place the address of z's copy in the slice
MOVQ main.w(SB), CX ; copy w on the stack, out of the slice
MOVQ CX, 0x18(SP)
MOVQ AX, 0x68(SP) ; place the same vtable ptr as x in the slice
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x70(SP) ; place the address of w's copy in the slice
LEAQ 0x38(SP), AX
MOVQ AX, 0(SP) ; set the slice base address as argument
MOVQ $0x4, 0x8(SP) ; the slice's size
MOVQ $0x4, 0x10(SP) ; the slice's capacity
CALL main.g(SB) ; call the function
; <function epilogue>
Exception handling
Implementation of defer
func Defer1() int { defer f(); return 123 }
; <function prologue>
0x45c4bd MOVQ $0x0, AX
0x45c4c4 MOVQ AX, 0x8(SP) ; set up a word full with zeroes
0x45c4c9 MOVB $0x0, 0x7(SP) ; set the first byte to zero (redundant)
; write zero to the return value slot
0x45c4ce MOVQ $0x0, 0x20(SP)
; defer the call to f()
0x45c4d7 LEAQ 0x1b672(IP), AX
0x45c4de MOVQ AX, 0x8(SP) ; write the address of f
0x45c4e3 MOVB $0x1, 0x7(SP) ; let the runtime know there is 1 defer
; write the return value 123
0x45c4e8 MOVQ $0x7b, 0x20(SP)
; un-defer
0x45c4f1 MOVB $0x0, 0x7(SP) ; let the runtime know there is no more defer
; final call to f() on the return path
0x45c4f6 CALL main.f(SB)
; <function epilogue>
0x45c504 RET
; the following code is called during unwinds after a recover,
; not on the common case:
0x45c505 CALL runtime.deferreturn(SB)
0x45c50a MOVQ 0x10(SP), BP
0x45c50f ADDQ $0x18, SP
0x45c513 RET
Implementation of panic
func Panic() { panic(123) }
; <function prologue>
; load the vtable for interface{}:
LEAQ 0x78dc(IP), AX
; load the address of a static copy of the
; integer value 123:
LEAQ 0x2afa9(IP), AX
MOVQ AX, 0x8(SP)
; call gopanic:
CALL runtime.gopanic(SB)
; note: function epilogue omitted in this case